To Save the Smile You Love, We Start with a Solid Foundation
The jaw bone is the foundation that shapes your uniquely beautiful smile by providing a stable supporting structure for your teeth and facial features. If this bone begins to recede, it can drastically change the way you look over time. Dr. Anna Weber may recommend bone grafting to replace and restore the bone after gum disease, tooth loss, or trauma, or to prepare the mouth for dental implants. Bone grafting may sound scary to some patients, so we offer sedation dentistry to help you relax during this smile-saving treatment.
Following a tooth extraction, we may need to reshape the gums and bone that have been affected by the tooth loss. This helps recreate a natural look and contour for a beautiful smile.
Ridge preservation helps to preserve as much of the jaw bone as possible following the loss of a tooth by replacing the bone with a grafting material to support the surrounding tissues. This helps us prevent rapid bone loss that could affect tooth replacement later on, and maintains bone structure so your smile retains its natural look and beauty.